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May 19, 2020

The Flushing Toilet

My father worked all week repairing luggage and selling luggage so that my mother and sister could spend a month each summer at the Jersey Shore. Bradley Beach was the spot.
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June 15, 2020

1986 Real Estate Investors Convention Mailer

This double-sided mailer was sent out to ten thousand addresses. The subjects which were covered in this document...
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May 2, 2020

The Elephant Story

This is a true story which spanned a period from an estimate of a total of 12 years. After watching, the family Sunday Night, Mutual of Omaha show, "Wild Kingdom".
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May 23, 2020

The Adventure Car Hop

At age 16 or thereabouts, I would go to the Adventure Car Hop on Route 22 in Union, New Jersey. A "car hop", in those days, wasn't just for eating, but for finding ladies. Pretty ones, hopefully!
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